A monster suddenly ascends from the sea, snatches the boat, and drags the sailors down to a watery grave. This story line provides the plot for legends that have persisted through the ages. But do monsters that large really exist?GIANT SQUID

A similar sea monster known as the giant squid has a torpedo-shaped body, eyes that can be as large as a human head, a parrotlike beak strong enough to cut a steel cable, eight arms with rows of suckers, and two long tentacles that bring food to its mouth. It can propel itself through the water at 20 miles [30 km] an hour and even launch itself into the air!
Fewer than 50 sightings of such giants have been reported in the last century, and these creatures have never been studied in the wild.
Huge indeed are the giant squid and the sperm whale, yet the blue whale, the largest mammal, surpasses them in size. The longest blue whale on record was a 108-foot [33 m] adult female caught in Antarctica. The blue whale may weigh as much as 150 tons. The weight of its tongue alone is equal to that of an adult elephant! And just imagine it gives birth to a three-ton calf that is 23 to 27 feet [7 to 8 m] long! Hunted by whalers, the blue whale became nearly extinct by the 1960’s and today is classified as a critically endangered species.

The whale shark is the largest of living fish, averaging some 25 feet [7.5 m] in length. However, some can reach nearly twice that size. Its mouth can be up to four feet [1.4 m] wide, easily capable of swallowing a man. But far from being a ferocious predator of other large sea creatures, this gentle giant feeds on tiny plankton and small fish.

Like the giant squid, the giant octopus can camouflage itself by changing color, use jet propulsion to move through the water, and escape danger by squirting a dense cloud of ink. The octopus can even leave the water for a short time to search for food on land!
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